2020 Grant Recipients

Grant Year: 2024-2025 | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018


Aim High To deliver summer academic enrichment program during the COVID-19 pandemic $15,000
BAYCAT For after-school programs and internships that prepare youth for careers in the digital media arts.


Brava! for Women in the Arts To support the San Francisco Running Crew, a technical production training program for youth ages 13 to 18.


Bread Project To support the 4-week Bakery Bootcamp, which provides 130 hours of instruction and on-the-job training in the baking industry.


City Surf Project To train 15 San Francisco high school students in lifeguarding and to serve as summer apprentice surf instructors. $15,000
Code Nation For the Foundation Course using distance education programming at 17 partner high schools in San Francisco and Oakland. $15,000
Collective Action Studio To train 20 high school students in Oakland to design and produce professional silk-screened prints at local fairs and festivals.


Conservation Corps North Bay To provide 200 youth with 6 to 12 months of paid, on-the-job training in three career pathways: natural resources, zero waste, and the construction trades.


Credo High School For the practical arts program at Credo High School to introduce 400 students to blacksmithing, basic carpentry and printmaking. $25,000
Creekside School To upgrade the school’s kitchen to enable the launch of a culinary program for students with autism.


East Oakland Boxing Association For the Youth Enterprise Program to provide vocational training and internships in four industries to 40 East Oakland high school students $20,000
826 Valencia For the Youth Leadership Advisory Board, providing paid internships and career readiness experiences for middle and high school students $10,000
Gateway Public Schools For Gateway to the Workforce, a career readiness program serving 485 high school students during the 2020-2021 academic year. $10,000
Girls Garage To provide 48 girls, ages 13 to 17, with an intensive summer program in design and building skills


Girls Inc. of Alameda County For paid, 4-week professional internships for high school girls.


Hidden Genius Project To support the Immersion and Catalyst computer science job training programs $10,000
Hiller Aviation Museum To support an annual team engineering design challenge for 1,000 students in grades 4 through 8.


Huckleberry Youth Program For the Huckleberry Wellness Academy, providing academic support, career readiness and paid internships to 80 high school students during the 2020-21 academic year. $15,000
Ignite To support programming that exposes 350 young women to careers in public service. 


Life Learning Academy For emergency support to ensure that 30 LLA students receive food boxes from May through August while shelter in place prevents them from receiving meals at LLA $15,000
Lighthouse Community Public Schools To prepare 150 high school students in Oakland for careers in product development and design. $10,000
Mission Graduates To support the John O’Connell College and Career Center (JOCCC) Career Pathway Program $15,000
NatureBridge For the Teen Environmental Education Mentorship Program, which is a 10-month program that prepares youth for paid seasonal jobs at NatureBridge’s summer day camp.


Olinga Learning To teach 36 middle school students to develop and employ technology that helps farmers and ranchers to use water more efficiently.


On the Move To provide support to 400 foster children and families in Napa, Solano and Santa Rosa experiencing income loss due to the COVID-19 crisis. $15,000
OnePurpose School To support project-based learning programs.


Project Wreckless To train 24 at-risk youth in auto mechanics through the restoration of classic cars at a garage in the Bayview.


San Francisco School of
Needlework and Design
To launch a pilot career pathway program in hand embroidery $15,000
Santa Rosa Junior College Foundation To establish an endowment to provide annually 10 Career Education Certificate students with a $1,000 scholarship.


Santa Rosa Symphony To support the Training Young Musicians program serving 425 participants annually $15,000
Sunset Youth Services For emergency food relief and online programs for youth and families served by SYS wraparound programs. $15,000
Tech Exposure & Access
Through Mentoring (TEAM)
For the Core Program Online to train, mentor and prepare 1,000 under-resourced youth for careers in the sports technology industry. $15,000
Teen Services Sonoma To provide 30 high school students in Sonoma with culinary training.


The Crucible To offer a summer internship for youth, ages 15 to 18, in which they serve as teaching assistants in industrial arts classes.


Women’s Audio Mission For technical infrastructure to host Girls on the Mic virtually during summer and Fall 2020, continuing to provide Bay Area female youth exposure and training in the recording arts.


YES Nature to Neighborhoods Emergency support for low-income Richmond teens to participate in the Youth Leadership Pathway Program. $15,000
Youth Beat To provide vocational training in digital media to 370 under-resourced middle and high school students in Oakland.
