About the Foundation
"Do the Common Thing Uncommonly Well"
The Miranda Lux Foundation is a private foundation that continues the trust established by the will of Miranda W. Lux.
Miranda W. Lux was born in Cranston, Rhode Island on December 23, 1865. Following the death of her first husband, she married Charles Lux, a partner in the Miller and Lux Company, one of California's largest landowning and ranching corporations.
Throughout her life, Mrs. Lux contributed to, and was involved in, the development of schools and aid societies. She was especially active as a director of the Protestant Orphan Asylum and as a leader in the kindergarten movement. Mrs. Lux was also vitally interested in technical, manual and vocational education; fields that were newly being considered important to the general education of children. Miranda Lux died on September 20, 1894. In her will, she set aside approximately $500,000 to perpetuate her lifelong interest, which she expressed in this way:

"It is my desire to assist in furnishing facilities for the education of young children in what is known as 'manual training' and all kinds of training by and through which habits of industry and practical knowledge of those things which are useful in earning a living may be acquired."
Eighteen years after the death of Mrs. Lux, her bequest would be used to found the Lux School of Industrial Training, an institution dedicated to the technical education of girls, which operated in San Francisco from 1908 until 1953. When the school was discontinued, the proceeds from the sale of its plant and equipment were added to the funds in the trust, and in 1955, the name of the trust was changed to the Miranda Lux Foundation.
Today, the Miranda Lux Foundation supports innovative and promising pre-vocational and vocational education proposals that prepare young people for the world of work.
The Foundation awards grants to organizations and programs in the San Francisco Bay Area that serve young people under the age of 18.